Earlier this year, CCL submitted an application to Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) for approval to clear 8.6 hectares of vegetation on our Munster site with the purpose to expand the site’s limestone quarrying capability.
On Thursday, 17 August we received confirmation from DMIRS that the proposed land clearing has been published on the Department’s website for public consultation. As per State legislation, the period of consultation will extend for 10 business days.
You can find more information about the application here.
Full engineering and environmental studies are available as part of this process, and we encourage you to get in touch with us via our community hotline on 1800 56 826 or email community@cockburncement.com.au, if you would like to discuss this proposal.
The area is adjacent to the Rockingham Road / Russell Road intersection. See map below marked in red.
Proposed Land Clearing
Proposed Clearing Works
Due to the location of the proposed clearing, it is not expected that the land clearing activities will cause impact to the neighbouring community.
Clearing works will be undertaken in daylight hours to minimise noise impacts and road traffic impacts from site vehicles accessing the site.
Trees and vegetation removed will be stockpiled for later reuse in rehabilitation.
We look forward to bringing you updates as the project progresses.